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Meir Yedid 201-703-1171

Houdini Documentary Series

I produced and narrated a five-part documentary series for MagicTimes from the Houdini Museum Of New York before its big relocation. The series featured different aspects of Houdini’s life and career as seen through the eyes of Roger Dreyer and…

With Harry Lorayne

Made a guest appearance to surprise my old friend Harry Lorayne during his interview on Harrison Greenbaum’s Who Books That? series. This was episode 29. You can watch the entire episode: HERE

Zoom Lecture Tour

At the beginning of the pandemic, I put together a live Zoom Lecture titled "Bag Of Trix" featuring some of my original magic and presented it for free to magic clubs around the world. The live lectures ran from April…

Bag Of Trix

I ended my Bag Of Trix, Zoom Lecture tour on June 14 with a special event that was open to the entire magic community and sponsored by the Society of American Magicians. The lecture was recorded and will remain in…

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