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Meir Yedid 201-703-1171

NEXT LIVE EVENT: November 1: Halloween Magic Review
NEXT LIVE EVENT: November 10: Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino
Check out my Tour Dates for more info: HERE

Latest Adventures

The event was transformed into a 30-minute presentation by me which chronicled highlights of his life and career.

Kreskin Talk

The last show of the year at Comix @ The Mohegan Sun Casino was lots of fun with multiple birthdays in the audience and we all came in to have fun… Which we did.

2023 EndShow

SAM Exhibit

SAM Exhibit

Performed two live shows for very enthusiastic audiences at Diane and Joe Garsetti’s Sparta Avenue Stage in New Jersey.

Sparta Shows



In The Press

In The Press

Sparta Stage

Sparta Stage

MyMagic Live

MyMagic Live

S.A.M. Award

S.A.M. Award



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